Odile Launay

The CIC Cochin-Pasteur regroups complementary skills
The medical team is placed under the supervision of the coordinating doctor, who ensures the scientifical, medical, administrative and financial responsibility at the CIC Cochin-Pasteur. The team is composed of a delegated doctor and of investigating doctors. A senior health executive also ensures the management of paramedical, clinical research and administrative teams:
The paramedical team comprises State-Registered Nurses (SRN)
The clinical research team is composed of:
Clinical Study Coordinators (CSC)
Clinical Research Assistants (CRA), Clinical Study Technicians (CTS) and a Laboratory Technician.
The administrative personnel are composed of Medico-Administrative Assistants (MAA), a quality and risk manager, and a communication manager.
The CIC also welcomes interns for diverse trainings (Masters, University Diplomas…)
The clinical research team is composed of:
Clinical Study Coordinators (CSC)
Clinical Research Assistants (CRA), Clinical Study Technicians (CTS) and a Laboratory Technician.
The administrative personnel are composed of Medico-Administrative Assistants (MAA), a quality and risk manager, and a communication manager.
The CIC also welcomes interns for diverse trainings (Masters, University Diplomas…)
The CIC Cochin-Pasteur team’s missions are various
The Senior Health Executive (SHE) :
Responsible for the quality and the security of treatments, he manages different processes in the framework of the Quality Approach and also ensures the management of human resources (personnel planning, evaluation, recruitment), the interface with the functional hospital group board and the transversal missions of it.
The Clinical Study Coordinators (CSC) :
They coordinate different clinical study implementation stages as: feasibility, planification, regulatory procedures, coordination, control, follow-up and the closure. They also manage on or several Quality Approach processes.
The administrative personnel/Medico-Administrative Assistants (MAA) :
In charge of the reception and the administrative management of the study participants, their missions consist in managing the meeting schedules, the medical files, the mails and the records. The administrative personnel is also strongly implicated in the organization of events such as the Jean-Gérard Guillet days, university teachings, etc
The State-Registered Nurses (SRN) :
Collaborating for the researches led by the CIC (reception of participants, treatment implementation in the respect of good clinical practice and the current regulation), they ensure – under the responsibility of doctors – the if-needed emergency actions, manage the equipment (traceability, maintenance) and participate in the writing, as well as in the implementation of specific procedures linked to their work in the framework of Quality Approach.
The Clinical Research Assistants (CRA) /Clinical Study Technicians (CTS) under the supervision of the CRA manager :
They ensure the good execution and the quality of clinical studies in cooperation with the medical, paramedical and administrative teams, participating at the same time to the writing and implementation of Quality Approach procedures.